How Does The Counterfeit "False" Twin Help You Get To Union With Your Twin?

Repost from 2014



Or are they even a thing?

There's a lot of speculation on this subject; people who say they've experienced a false or counterfeit twin flame swear it's a thing. Those who haven't experienced it say it's mere speculation, or just a really, really intense connection with another person that people put way too much emphasis on. 

The Counterfeit, or False Twin is said to play a very important role in the reunion of, and in the connection between Twin Flames. It's said that all twin flames have a counterfeit aka false twin, whether or not they know it. While all soul mate connections prepare us for "the one," some more than others, some there is only one false twin. Others say there can be multiple "false twins." (If that were the case, I suppose every ex I've ever had would be a false twin?) 

Everyone seems to agree though, that everyone we meet on any level is considered a soul mate. Whether we pass them once on the street or have a long romantic relationship with them, we are all one another's soul mates. Everything and everyone is interconnected. Okay...

It's also said that as we enter Ascension and are activated and awaken spiritually, we begin to be able to connect with others on an extraordinarily deep level, like nothing we have ever experienced before. Cool...

Oftentimes, activation begins slowly and we find we are deeply connected to many, but a soul mate or twin flame often comes easily as far as connection. Cool...

This is often accompanied by the symptoms of awakening. Suddenly we find ourselves experiencing unconditional love and a never-before-seen intensity in our chakra connection with another soul on a level so deep that it creates an intensity like no other, that is simply indescribable in words. Wow, cool...

It's said that some find that they feel as though they complete each other and some even say that a sense of intuitive connection almost like a kind of telepathy exists. Neat-o...

It's also said that there's even aspects of the traditional twin flame template; push-pull, signs and symptoms and syncs galore. This is why the term False Twin rings so correct in the minds for so many people. The connection has all the makings of a twin flame reunion and even looks like a twin flame connection in the journey aspect - except it's another type of connection.

"But in my heart I can feel it!" Of course you can. Otherwise, it would be called something else other than False Twin. It would be called the "really passionate soulmate-like-me connection" instead of the false or counterfeit twin.

It's further stated that we may have already met and noted our counterfeit twin, or we may not have met them yet. And, that we may connect with them before our reunion or after we've already met our twin. Cool...

Additionally, people say that the false twin prepares us in amazing ways for the true twin...

Sometimes, the false twin serves as the catalyst to end longstanding situations to make room for the true twin to enter. Sometimes the false twin aids in activating the process of ascension and awakening. I've even heard the false twin can jumpstart internal healing processes to pave the way for the twin flame journey. As unique and painful (and pleasurable) as the false twin may be, it's said to be a very important connection. Again, cool... 

They say that like real twins, the counterfeit twin is not perfect, nor is it a perfect relationship. To imply perfection would be inhuman. All people are human. Both twin flames and false twins are both perfect and imperfect in their own respect.


Some people believe in false twins, others do not. If you believe in false twin flames, the false twin can also be called the "counterfeit twin" and we're said to connect with them at different junctures in our lives. Some are said to meet prior to embarking on the twin flame journey with their real twins while others meet a false twin during their twin flame journey or even after they're together in a relationship. 


1. Activation of internal healing processes, inner growth and discovering the higher self.

2. Activation of one's ascension process (personal learning/growth)

3. Release of old attachments. (Finally able to drop old relationships.)

4. Learning about one's self and connection in general.

The false twin can be so intense that it causes those who have never even heard of twin flame as a concept to embark on researching the subject. 

There is also a lot of speculation about the relationships false twin connections might have. They say it can be as brief as a few days, or can take years to process through, depending on the person and the twin flame couple in question. I've also read people say that much healing, learning, processing, purging and development happen when one meets their false twin flame. Each person is unique and thus, each false twin couple is also equally unique. I've also heard many say they didn't realize who their false twin was, until they'd gone through the relationship itself and looked back in hindsight. 

Have you met your false twin? What did you contribute and receive from the relationship? What was it like? 



Hi Barbara, wow I’m sorry you went through all that. Thank you for your comment. It sounds like (based on what you’ve written) that you made an intense soul connection that pushed you toward inner personal growth (very common at the onset of Ascension) but he doesn’t sound like he’s being respectful of your feelings, let alone respectful of responding to your texts, at least at the time you made your comment here. Regardless of the type of connection (awakening catalyst, companion soulmate, counterfeit twin, twin flame, etc.) you deserve respect. And, if I may be so bold as to suggest, you should definitely want to set a list of exactly what it is that you need, desire and deserve in relationship. Energy, connection and chemistry including tantra can be so overwhelming and distracting. That is exactly what the Counterfeit will do: distract with all that energy only to possess symptoms of Twin Flame but in actuality, are not. You are correct. Twin Flames are many things but disrespectful is not one of them. Blessings xo


We met on a dating site right before my 50th and I was not handling the upcoming birthday well.
The date was 2/22.
And, I had never been in love before.
We laughed like to high school kids who’d known each other for years during our first phone conversation.
After we hung up I’ll never forget thinking to myself the conversation went so well it was weird.
We unknowingly had tantric sex and I know damn well it was the best sex either one of us ever had.
I never told him I could see his soul in his eyes. I did not want to scare him. I was frightened enough for both of us.
After the first separation the pain took over my life so I began searching the internet for some kind of answer and discovered Twin Flame.
We met twice after and each time we both had physical barriers. Once it was a car accident the other time there was not one place for him to park in the entire town.
We conquered them to get to each other but it was if something was keeping us from meeting.
Then I began to notice I had opposites happening to me than what Twin Flames were describing.
I felt older, exhausted and sexually frustrated. We’d text often but weren’t with each other.
Nine weeks later we met again for our anticipated get together and the fourth time we planned to have sex too.
This is what I thought would be the reunion.
I watched him get out of his car from up the block and he too looked ragged. Still quite dashing but he looked almost as if he’d collapse.
We locked eyes from far away as we slowly walked to each other. I could see the poor man was confused and afraid.
Once inside my home he looked helpless telling me he was nervous but I knew I wasn’t supposed to tell him what I thought was happening.
In the bedroom he laid down first and as I neared his body it felt like a 25 pound sack of energy fell from the top of my head down through my body. It was so strong I wondered if he felt it too.
I think it was a blessing because it alleviated the intensity of being next to him. It was a really strange feeling.
The night was wonderful. Always more than just sex with him. Laughing, sharing, music, comfort and explanations to misunderstandings but two days later separation again.
Ten days later after not hearing from him I sent a text in the afternoon. I had a question that he did answer. By evening and more ignored texts I told him I was unaware we were not speaking again and apologized.
I thought to myself this is f*cking bull sh*t.
What a crock.
Why in the hell do I have to be subservient to this mans needs only?
Do I just wait obediently for his next possible arrival?
And am I really supposed to be all touchy feely if he might be with another woman?
Pffft, yeah right!
I must admit that if I had not met him I would not have worked on inner soul searching.
I picked up my guitar after years of abandoning it.
I began to love my friends.
I began pushing myself further through my social phobias.

Thank you for reading.


I met my false twin in a strangely similar scenario to another commenter on here. I had been in an unfulfilling marriage for many years where codependency kept me attached out of guilt and fear. I felt very alone and misunderstood by everyone in my life and turned to an online forum for friendship. I met a gentlemen who immediately started to pursue me heavily and by the 3rd day of correspondence, was telling me he loved me. That he knew our connection was cosmic and that we were meant to be. I was confused. I felt like maybe I was being duped by his charm and compliments. I felt unloved, under valued and self conscious in my every day life and he was telling me he loved me and understood me. The emotional side of me fell deeply for his words and I sank deep into fantasies of being with him. The logical side of my brain was telling me not to throw away everything for him, a stranger.

I decided to tell my (now ex) husband what was happening and he was very passive and supportive in allowing me to go meet this man. He lived across the country and I flew to him. We could not have been more opposite. He challenged me at every turn. One moment things were loving, the next cold and distant. The push and pull was intense and exhausting. I had one foot out of the door but couldn’t quite take the leap. The false twin wanted so much so fast. He wanted me to sell my home, move to his city, be with him and he would help me care for my toddler daughter. I decided to do it and before the move, we fought, broke up and he left. Ignored my texts, my calls, my emails…I pleaded with him just for an update. If he didn’t want to be with me, I just wanted to know it. I couldn’t find closure and that’s exactly what he wanted. He came in and in 2 months, destroyed my life. I left my husband shortly after my daughter’s first birthday, I sold the house I loved and moved to a city where the cost of living is doubled, I was extremely depressed and hopeful we would reunite but after a last attempted email for contact, he responded with the most hateful and degrading response. He accused me of being mentally ill (though he said he LOVED me after 3 days and saw no fault in ruining my family life), he basically called me a bad mother, he said my attempts at trying to speak with him and break the silence was harassment and that he was going to pursue legal action (13 emails over 2 months of me just saying “can we please talk now and have closure?” – I couldn’t believe how someone who claimed to love me so much was now basically disposing of me. After he encouraged me to leave my life and harm the realities of others. I dealt with so much hate from my in-laws, my own family, I lost friends…He literally took everything from me and walked away without batting an eye. I felt like I deserved the closure he denied me. His narcissistic behavior wasn’t apparent throughout until his final response to me.

It took a YEAR to emotionally recover from the damage. To this day, I wonder if he’s ever going to come back. Part of me still feels denied of proper closure, then the bigger part of me realizes that he is an evil person who only thinks of himself and his own well being and I want him as far away as space will take him. He often said things when we were together to belittle me and then accuse me of being insecure or too “turbulent” and sensitive. But dammit, he taught me to finally give a shit about myself. Something I never did. I started to do things for myself and my daughter and not allow the guilt from my bad marriage to hold me down. He was the catalyst. He took me out of the mundane, awakened my true desires and then poof – he was gone.

After the year, I found an amazing job. I have met amazing friends. I am divorced and happily co-parenting. I have met someone new who really is a much better fit for me. I don’t know if this new man is my twin flame or not. Sometimes I think he’s not because we don’t look alike and the intense magnetism that was almost not normal doesn’t exist between us. We’re different nationalities from different countries but the same mind. We are the same politically, religiously, emotionally…it’s hard to explain. We’re the same, but opposite. I’m INFJ, he is ENFP. Our function order is the same, but opposite in introverted/extroverted preference. I have NEVER been so physically attracted to someone. He is undeniably handsome in reality and to me mentally. We will often say the same thing at the same time. We will think the same thought at the same time. We are strong personality forces that dance in sync knowing and respecting the roles of a man and a woman together in balance.

I don’t “need” him in the same dysfunctional way I felt I needed my false twin. I feel like I could be ok if he left me. I would be sad, I would miss him…but maybe I say that because we’re together and I don’t know what life without him would be like. My false twin broke my codependency behavior. He taught me to care for myself. Maybe this man is my true twin, but I value myself enough now to know that I and God are what keep me whole.


I have been so confused by my deep connection with someone who seems to meet all the twin flame criteria. The connection is deeper and more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced, it felt like heaven on earth. We look alike down to having moles and freckles in the same places on our faces and have had very similar life experiences from a distance our entire lives. However , Now this person has left me, gutted me to my core for another and has discarded me with no warning. He love bombed the hell out of me in the beginning. So now All the classic signs of narcissistic personality disorder have been shown to me. This cannot be my true twin. I refuse to believe that someone so careless who has hurt me so deeply without any regard for my feelings is my twin. It simply cannot be true because I loathe him now.
To complicate matters I am experiencing synchronicities like crazy 1111, his name everywhere. However I have read that this is also a sign of a false twin. I am getting out emotionally. Physically he hasn’t already left, but I will work on healing from all my past traumas and I am now confident my true twin is on the way. I am so grateful for this article. Narcissists and false twins seek to have A lot of commonalities

Anam Cara

I had been in a karmic marriage for 25 years. We had the purpose together of bringing our children into the world and raising them together. We are still bonded but I could never be in that marriage again. Our issues were constant and the fight to make us fit was exhausting. Things in our relationship settled into more of a mix of him being between a father and brother. Infidelity cut some ties and made it impossible for me to want intimacy with him. It was forced and not heart felt. An obligation.
I gained hope of genuine love when I began talking to an old high school sweetheart. We broke up back then because of his selfishness, criticism and arrogance. Once we started talking, I saw that he seemed much changed. Loving, gentle, intelligent on many matters and it sparked something in me I had to investigate from the heart. But I respected my own boundary and believed in doing things the right way, in steps.
Things in my marriage had already taken that expected “turn for worst” again as it had countless times over the years. I had wanted out like a wild bird in a cage for years. We tried hard to fight for the marriage for at least a few years but the resistance seemed to speak volumes over that fight in my soul. It felt forced and hopeless.
When I told him I wanted a divorce, something in him was shocked but something already knew. He released me in as kind a way possible, though it took a toll on his emotions. He soon met a companion and established a comfortable enough arrangement with her. I immediately took up this relationship with my old boyfriend. I established a life fit myself and my 12 year old daughter and felt very confident about my new life. My new relationship held the promise of long sought after peace, love, stability, loyalty, provision, security, understanding and mending of all the suffering I’d dealt with in life. Those sufferings were not limited to an often chaotic and rocky marriage but a history of being abandoned by parents, family and friends. Feeling worthless, low self esteem, abuse both physical and emotional, never quite fitting in anywhere, attempted suicide, daddy and mommy issues, etc. I never felt like “enough”, especially in my marriage. This new man made me feel loved and cared for.
I pressed for marriage. I was ready to get on with forever. He showed the desire but also resistance. My daughter and I surrendered the rent house and moved in with him. Eventually, I talked him in to asking me to marry him after we shopped for a ring set. He allowed me to choose the style but took control over the end decision. It was a pattern I noticed but disregarded. He chose what model of car he would agree to help me obtain. He had money. I had poor credit from financial struggles in my previous marriage.
But his promise was to take up where my ex had left off in financial provision. I had always worked but my focus had been raising kids and being the one available. My schedules and jobs always had their need of me in mind. I had been diagnosed with MS and NCS, a scary condition that effects the autonomic system and caused fainting and several disturbing symptoms. I suffered from disabling health issues until I brought them into better balance through medication, but more through extensive research on causes and natural aides to fill in the gaps my body needed and eliminate the triggers. At best, I needed help establishing myself and he promised to support me in any way he could.
We had a nice ceremony in June. I was excited to be his wife. I planned the wedding on a tight budget and it was beautiful. I planned our honeymoon on a budget and it was also beautiful at the time. Though I look back and see the things I denied at the time.
Once we were married, his directive was to continue to improve his house. I say “his” because everything was in his name and was all in his realm of decision. His money, his house, his everything. He spent a lot of money and all his time working on it.
Being newlyweds, I found myself fighting for time together. He lacked that interest and enthusiasm. Before long, the projects were done and his new focus was politics on the internet. As many as 12 hours a day spent online, debating, “diplomatically and elitely belittling others in the name of improving the world” so to speak.
No desire to ever take initiative for “us”. Promises haphazardly tossed aside. He was in control of the money and seemed to change his mind about the help he had promised. With my bad credit, I was too much of a risk to his credit.
Our relationship turned from false bliss to me nagging about ugly bachelor habits, wanting to be noticed and loved and wondering why I hadn’t seen this before. I discovered he had been pouring his money into casinos. He tried to hide it but I continued to find the evidence and proof beyond the lies. His priority wasn’t taking care of me but risking what should have been “our” money rather than honoring his promise to me.
This grass was no greener. He was still selfish, arrogant and neglectful, and with age he had become an elitist who had little respect for women in general, no confidence in my abilities, no interest in being blended with my family, no respect for my things or drive for compromise. I quickly realized we didn’t have a true bond. He couldnt understand me or appreciate what he had. Criticism flowed without consideration of how it effected me. this man taught me that no one can mend my heart. This man was my false twin. No doubt.
I met my twin flame at this point. I had lost my job and was disheartened by it. I posted a frustrated rant and very much out of his character, he was drawn to reach out to me.
He had recently also found himself offering to help me with a huge project I had taken on and that too, as I discovered later, was out of character for him. Something drew him to me.
His kind words were heartfelt and uplifting. We bumped into each other on a few occasions around that time and the impact of the energy between us was undeniable.
We started a conversation that has not ended. Never before have either of us cared to talk to anyone nearly every day. It was instant soul recognition. A need to know each other.
We both admitted that there was always something… someone missing from their lives and both instantly knew it was each other. We were the missing links.
As we talked more, we found an unending list of syncronicities between us. Things we’d always said and done. Both creative and interested in art, poetry, old books, spirituality, earth, fossils, rocks, trees and plants and so many more things. Both had writing styles so similar it was difficult to tell who wrote what as we exchanged our writings. We inspired each other’s creative side like none other had. We both had the same dreams over the years, same longing to fill that unsearchable void. The same blood type, likes and dislikes, some of the same health issues, same approach to so many things. We instantaneously became the best of friends and deep instinct told me to protect this bond with my life.
The wall… He was also married and had been for 23 years. He cared for his wife and was strong in his fundamental belief system of fighting for marriage and staying for life no matter what.
Many of the aspects of biblical teaching had struck things in me which led me to question what was man and what was God. My fundamental system had crumbled in the past few years as the fear imposed by ancient cultural practices in times long passed no longer resonated with my readonable side or my soul. I no longer believe that we are enemies of God who are not worthy of his love or that an all knowing, loving God would send his beloved creation who he made the way he wanted us to be, into an eternal pit of despair and hellfire if we think wrong. As I rejected the fear associated with religion, something had opened up in me. I had always had a sense of intuition, had dreams that warned me of things, felt dark and light energies around me and saw a mystical side we have been told is ALL evil. When i say mystical, I tie the word to “mystery”. I’ve come to realize God is bigger than a book, but does work in ways we cannot understand. The writings still… came from the hand of man and were persuaded by many things that were not God but beliefs of the times, social oppression and human expectations. I learned to listen to what my soul had always told me. Find God in life… not just a book written by man. God doesn’t live in the book but everywhere in every direction and the mysteries have not been revealed completely. They can’t be yet. 3d thought is limited to what we’re told… not what our spirit knows already or what real experiences teach us. My twin knows this and also has had the same desire to learn many things but still hangs on to many fear based beliefs that are heavy, ladened with guilt, self denial and humility. That we are wretched things with no spirit until we say the right words. He resists to a point because he has learned that’s what you’re supposed to do. But he can’t resist beyond what his soul cries for and in his heart knows this connection is real, good and true, though it’s truth must be hidden for a time.
He told his wife the basics of our connection. She accepted this news carefully but with love. She is a kind person. They have "fought’ for their marriage to work and their focus is on raising their children who were in their mid to late teens and working as a team in day to day dealings. His home life is often dramatic, chaotic and there is little peace there. He’s not understood or heard and rarely touched. There’s always the threat of an emotionally blowing hurricane that wears him thin. But he tries to be the strong husband and father he’s expected to be, providing and protecting.
This same news wasn’t accepted by my husband and sparked severe issues between us. It awakened a hard spirit of jealously and ugliness. He began trying to intercept and intercede by humiliating me, making phone calls to my twin and his wife, watching every move I made, questioning every motives that I had for everything I did. I was soon living under a microscope with a man who is emotionally unstable and doing things behind my back such as looking at ways to spy on me, follow me, know exactly where I was at all times, and “catch me” doing something wrong because he assumed that this relationship was romantic and the intimate nature of our bond was not acceptable. My twin and I at that time were truly innocent of wrongdoing. Not seen that way by others though. My husband even publicly humiliated me, offered to give me back to my ex husband because I was to broken to fix and spread lies based on his insecurity and assumptions. The more he pushed the closer are my twin and I actually got. He was my rock. Though I explained the spiritual connection in every way thinkable, he couldnt understand and every attempt just drove a deeper wedge. I understood from his point of view but we simply could not communicate. But everything in me told me this was to be the most important bond in my life and I must fight for it and hold on to my right and responsibility to this soul who had been so strongly set in my path and me in his. So I did. In my husband’s personal struggle with these demons, he sought direction. It put him on the path to Christianity and he joined a Lutheran church. Incidentally, this church has hard core fundamental beliefs and his pastor who gave him weekly, personal counsel, came to judge me based on his genius theological textbook knowledge. It validated my husband’s fears and put me under judgement by his newfound church “family”. His pastor tried to coerce me into joining them in their counselling sessions to get my head right. Without when knowing me, the man accused me of spiritual adultery and claimed I was blinded by demons and was dabbling with the occult. I’d have nothing to do with his church or any other like it.
Instead, I stuck by my soul calling to guard and hold on to this profound soul bond. Even that is… biblical. David and Jonathan were soul bonded. This pastor claimed there was no such thing as soul bonded. Clearly, in his genius, he misses the bigger picture of all connection which is a huge statement of mankind in the bible.
The fight cost my marriage. It got uglier by the day and all communication and intimacy was shut off as I prepared to go out alone and divorce him. I refused to bend myself to fit the needs of another.
I was led to the opportunity to spend time with my twin in a job. Every day we worked together, we became more aware of the loving and powerful bond we have. We fell in love…beyond. I lost that job for odd reasons and through the devastation I was told God had to separate us to bring us back together. Many dreams confirm we will come together. He’s dreamed them as well.
Though it seemed like an obstacle we couldn’t overcome, he has pressed beyond his comfort zone to find ways to be with me. We continue to talk daily, but the doors must shut every night as he does what he must do.
My twin and his wife have love and earth ties and no doubt, a soul contract but in his heart, we are connected more deeply. In dreams, I see and I’m told the nature of their connection and that all souls involved know on the spirit level of the direction we’ve taken and must take in time and have hidden knowledge the depth of our bond. I have been told she is his “kindred sister soul” and not to worry. Time will show the truths. He has to be where he is for now and I have to trust that our unity cannot be stopped.
As time goes by, he becomes more accepting of our truth and pull toward each other. He has known since the beginning but has resisted just to come out on the other side even closer to me and you the truth of us. He admits to me he is deeply in love with me, thinks about me constantly and though he cannot make certain promises in his present situation, he hints in many ways that he wishes to be with me when he can. Hold on… He asks. His strength wanes but still, his commitment to finishing what needs finished first holds him where he is. My commitment and loyalty is to him. The ring he placed on my finger is meant. Our spirits are already married and always have been. The intimacy we’ve shared is deep and true and sacred.
Every atom…we both love every atom of the other. He accepts that I’m his twin and half of him, which is breaking down some of those imposed beliefs. He acknowledges that we are one, we’re soul bonded which he admits he’s never been with anyone else. We have made many positive differences in each other’s lives and daily, help each other in some way to overcome something. We are truly mirrors to each other and love with a love that is immeasurable. He now calls me his best friend, his lover, his other half, his flame and twin. We watch over each other, pray for each other and have experienced telepathic communication so many times as well as hearing each other’s voices in soul messages and warnings between our spirits. The proof of this even causes my “atheist” son to ponder.
Daily, my twin goes home to his family but I am on his mind and he finds himself creating things with me in mind. Treasures and writings inspired by me or about me, some are given to me. He’s surrounded himself with us, as I have.
The emotions and stress have aged me and countless tears have been shed by us both. But both of us are gaining a deeper spiritual sense of value, self worth, an unseen plan, possibilities of things most shun and awakening an enlivening of our depths. We’ve shed light where no one else could in each other. The depth of us no one else understood. Many issues are on the edge of being solved. Patience, trust and love. Every day, he sees what he’s meant to see to accept the truth, irrevocable changes and direction toward this inevitable union. Fear is the main obstical that will be conquered. Fear of provision. Fear of disappointments. Fear of sadness. Fear of failing others. Another is coming to accept the diversity of people and purging bitterness and judgment of others. This is an issue he has yet to deal with.
As he says…we are two halves of the same tapestry. Two halves of the same clay.. the same beginnings and were always one. As this truth sets in with him, alignment with all truth will come. We have a purpose and need to fulfill it together. As he says, “in due time”. Ego will be overshadowed by the deeper calling. Contracts will be fulfilled and
some, forgiven.
Our course was always set toward each other. Time… faith…love without conditions.

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