How Does The Counterfeit "False" Twin Help You Get To Union With Your Twin?

Repost from 2014



Or are they even a thing?

There's a lot of speculation on this subject; people who say they've experienced a false or counterfeit twin flame swear it's a thing. Those who haven't experienced it say it's mere speculation, or just a really, really intense connection with another person that people put way too much emphasis on. 

The Counterfeit, or False Twin is said to play a very important role in the reunion of, and in the connection between Twin Flames. It's said that all twin flames have a counterfeit aka false twin, whether or not they know it. While all soul mate connections prepare us for "the one," some more than others, some there is only one false twin. Others say there can be multiple "false twins." (If that were the case, I suppose every ex I've ever had would be a false twin?) 

Everyone seems to agree though, that everyone we meet on any level is considered a soul mate. Whether we pass them once on the street or have a long romantic relationship with them, we are all one another's soul mates. Everything and everyone is interconnected. Okay...

It's also said that as we enter Ascension and are activated and awaken spiritually, we begin to be able to connect with others on an extraordinarily deep level, like nothing we have ever experienced before. Cool...

Oftentimes, activation begins slowly and we find we are deeply connected to many, but a soul mate or twin flame often comes easily as far as connection. Cool...

This is often accompanied by the symptoms of awakening. Suddenly we find ourselves experiencing unconditional love and a never-before-seen intensity in our chakra connection with another soul on a level so deep that it creates an intensity like no other, that is simply indescribable in words. Wow, cool...

It's said that some find that they feel as though they complete each other and some even say that a sense of intuitive connection almost like a kind of telepathy exists. Neat-o...

It's also said that there's even aspects of the traditional twin flame template; push-pull, signs and symptoms and syncs galore. This is why the term False Twin rings so correct in the minds for so many people. The connection has all the makings of a twin flame reunion and even looks like a twin flame connection in the journey aspect - except it's another type of connection.

"But in my heart I can feel it!" Of course you can. Otherwise, it would be called something else other than False Twin. It would be called the "really passionate soulmate-like-me connection" instead of the false or counterfeit twin.

It's further stated that we may have already met and noted our counterfeit twin, or we may not have met them yet. And, that we may connect with them before our reunion or after we've already met our twin. Cool...

Additionally, people say that the false twin prepares us in amazing ways for the true twin...

Sometimes, the false twin serves as the catalyst to end longstanding situations to make room for the true twin to enter. Sometimes the false twin aids in activating the process of ascension and awakening. I've even heard the false twin can jumpstart internal healing processes to pave the way for the twin flame journey. As unique and painful (and pleasurable) as the false twin may be, it's said to be a very important connection. Again, cool... 

They say that like real twins, the counterfeit twin is not perfect, nor is it a perfect relationship. To imply perfection would be inhuman. All people are human. Both twin flames and false twins are both perfect and imperfect in their own respect.


Some people believe in false twins, others do not. If you believe in false twin flames, the false twin can also be called the "counterfeit twin" and we're said to connect with them at different junctures in our lives. Some are said to meet prior to embarking on the twin flame journey with their real twins while others meet a false twin during their twin flame journey or even after they're together in a relationship. 


1. Activation of internal healing processes, inner growth and discovering the higher self.

2. Activation of one's ascension process (personal learning/growth)

3. Release of old attachments. (Finally able to drop old relationships.)

4. Learning about one's self and connection in general.

The false twin can be so intense that it causes those who have never even heard of twin flame as a concept to embark on researching the subject. 

There is also a lot of speculation about the relationships false twin connections might have. They say it can be as brief as a few days, or can take years to process through, depending on the person and the twin flame couple in question. I've also read people say that much healing, learning, processing, purging and development happen when one meets their false twin flame. Each person is unique and thus, each false twin couple is also equally unique. I've also heard many say they didn't realize who their false twin was, until they'd gone through the relationship itself and looked back in hindsight. 

Have you met your false twin? What did you contribute and receive from the relationship? What was it like? 



I met someone long ago I believed was my twin flame. We look alike, are both very introverted AND this was the most intense attraction I’ve had for anyone so far. Just some problems— he is a psychopath, narcissist, liar and cheat. He was born 11 days before the person I had my first (abusive) soul mate relationship with, which I kind of took as a bad sign, but shrugged that off. Although I was intensely attracted to him because of so many superficial similarities, I would also get so nervous around him that I couldn’t breath. Another bad sign (obviously).

The whole story would be long and uninteresting for most, so I will just get to my point straight up. If you are dealing with some one who is cruel, abusive, has ANY personality disorder and is “playing” you GET OUT OF THERE! I am yet to meet my true twin, and have come to a place of detachment as to whether I do or not. To thy own self be true. Remember that being subjected to some kind of marriage/relationship hell is NOT what God and your higher self wants for you. Stay away from toxic people. The false twin really shows you that because you must love yourself enough to cut off people who don’t. Walking away from who you believe is your other half is the ultimate test of self love, but the good news is they’re not it anyway! What a relief!


Doesnt a counterfeit tf relationship makes both parties false tfs??


I thought he was my real twin flame, but its been draining me for ten long years, the runner-chaser relationship. When i met my real twin flame, i didnt recognize him at first, though im strongly attracted to him since i first saw him, because he reminded me of my false twin (who didnt communicate/ignore me completely). Its the other way around between what is true..I realized only when i surrender from chasing him, letting go of my false twin, it somehow cut the connection between us.. Its only then when my eyes really saw what is real..when i read articles on false twin to look for signs..they both have them all…except the INTENSE EYE CONNECTION and DIVINE MISSION (True Twin Flame ONLY). Thank you for enlightened persons like you who wrote things about these who helped me a lot in discerning who is real from fake twin.


Love and unconditional love towards humanity is all it takes… I’d you have been doing that since the time you were born….. Then definitely you are a real twin soul, twin flame.


If you are willing to die then you are a twin flame being twin flame is no joke….. Check your self first, twin flame are completely unique peoples they are half God they are holy spirits….. Ones breath gives life to the other, one’s death give death to the other. ……. Think again before considering your self a twin flame. Silly people’s you are having Normal soul mate relationship doesn’t make you a twin flame….. If you are a real twin you should be ready to die in the name of God without any fear now let me tell you that is what twin-flames are.

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